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Autumn nail care: Simple tips for keeping your nails strong, healthy and beautiful this season

We take a closer look at the essential autumn nail care tips you need up your sleeve.

By LLM Reporters   |  

As the crisp air and vibrant colours of autumn take centre stage, it’s the perfect time to overhaul your beauty routine – but while switching up your skincare to ensure your skin remains plump and hydrated in colder weather is one of the key steps to take, one area that is often overlooked is the importance of good nail care.

The cooler temperatures, dry air, and sudden drop in humidity during the autumn can all wreak havoc on your nails, leaving them dry, brittle and prone to peeling. All of a sudden, those healthy nails you were proudly showing off during the spring and summer can become something you’d rather hide – but the good news is that by taking a little extra time out of your week to look after them, you can ensure they stay at their best.

Here, we take a look at the essential autumn nail care tips you need up your sleeve.

The cooler temperatures, dry air, and sudden drop in humidity during the autumn can all wreak havoc on your nails, leaving them dry, brittle and prone to peeling

Start from within

Ever heard the saying ‘you are what you eat’? Well this applies to your nails, too. The best way to keep them strong and healthy is to ensure you’re consuming a well-balanced diet to nourish them from within, and to strategically add in some supplements if you’re worried there are some areas you may be falling short.

Biotin, found in eggs, nuts, seeds and leafy greens is key because it strengthens nails and prevents brittleness, and omega-3 fatty acids, found in salmon, walnuts and chia seeds will also help to keep them long and strong.

Ensuring you get enough protein into your diet is also crucial, because it provided the building blocks for keratin, which your nails are made up of – so add a quality source, such as poultry, fish, red meat, eggs or beans to each meal to ensure you’re consuming a sufficient amount to provide your nails with what they need.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Just like your skin, nails suddenly find themselves short of moisture during the autumn, which means a little help in that department is much needed. The drop in temperature and humidity levels, as well as increased exposure to indoor heating, can leave them feeling parched, which is where brittleness and cracking come into play, so to help them, moisturise both your hands and nails daily, paying special attention to your cuticles. Many hand soaps can be drying, so doing it after you wash your hands is a good time and will instantly replace what has been lost. Look for nourishing ingredients like jojoba, shea butter and vitamin E for an intensive moisture hit.

Using a hydrating nail treatment on a weekly basis is another great way to lock in moisture, and there are a variety of oils and creams to choose from that have been designed with nail health in mind. Soaking your nails in warm coconut or olive oil is a great natural alternative and will help to strengthen the nail bed and promote healthy growth as well as deeply infusing them with a moisturising hit.

If you’re the kind of person who always likes to have your nails looking freshly manicured, then be kind to them this season and take a break from enhancements

Trim and file regularly

Longer nails may look elegant, but during the autumn, brittle nails can start to struggle. You might find it more difficult to grow them as long as you usually do in the first place, but if you are able to then you might find they are more prone to painful breaks and cracks, so keeping them a little bit shorter is wise.

To keep them in check, use a good quality nail clipper to reduce length and prevent jagged edges, then file gently, taking care to only ever do so in one direction at a time to avoid weakening them further. Once you’ve got a smooth and even shape, buff gently, going in with a super light hand, as aggressive buffing can cause further damage to fragile nails and ultimately, do more harm than good.

Take breaks from nail enhancements

If you’re the kind of person who always likes to have your nails looking freshly manicured, then be kind to them this season and take a break from enhancements. Gel polish and acrylics both look great but used too often, can dry and weaken your natural nails. Skip one manicure a month and let them breathe and recover before going again. If you have a special occasion during your break, you can always try out gel nail stickers, which can be applied for a special dinner or event and removed with ease afterwards. They look just as good as the real thing, and are a great quick and temporary solution.