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How high-end gamers are reaching the next level in 2024 – no expense spared

From using AI to hardware upgrades, we take a closer look at the ways elite gamers are getting ahead this year

By LLM Reporters   |  
XBOX game pad. XBOX One X is most powerful generation video gaming console
Image Credit: Proxima Studio/

For the avid gamer, few things are as exciting as reaching a new level of achievement in your game of choice – but in 2024, elevating the gaming experience goes beyond progressing alone and now extends to uplevelling play with the latest tech innovations and gear, too.

A high-end gamers continue to push boundaries, adopt new strategies, and leverage cutting-edge technologies to enhance their gaming experience and reach the ‘next level’. Here, we take a look at the ways elite gamers are getting ahead this year.

AI and machine learning

There isn’t a part of life that hasn’t been transformed by artificial intelligence and machine learning at least to some degree over the past few years, and gaming certainly hasn’t been immune. Increasingly, we’re seeing the use of AI-driven platforms to analyse gameplay and identify areas for improvement, as well as offering tailored training to help players to up their game. SenpAI and Mobalytics, which offer insights into players’ strengths and weaknesses and help them to develop winning strategies for success, are prime examples, and have reported a surge in growth as gamers strive to better themselves and their gameplay.

The integration of AI into game design has also led to the emergence of adaptive AI opponents to provide a more challenging experience, and this has been further spurring players on to find new ways to upgrade their skills and evolve their strategies.

Back view of concentrated young gamer in headphones and glasses using computer for playing game at home
For many gamers, success is as much about the set–up as anything else, with many seeing splurging on the very best equipment as a way to lay the foundations

Cutting-edge hardware upgrades

For the high-end gamer, it’s often a case of no expense spared in pursuit of the best possible gaming experience, so it’s unsurprising that this year, we’re continuing to see them invest in the latest hardware. The gaming industry has seen significant advancements in hardware technology, with new offerings coming out seemingly each month, and for the serious player, keeping up with them is key.

The latest graphics cards from NVIDIA and AMD offer next level performance, with ray tracing and AI-driven enhancements now standard features. GPUs like the NVIDIA RTX 5090 and AMD Radeon RX 8900 XT, which provide smoother and more visually stunning gameplay, are also becoming popular choices for upgrading set-up. 

High refresh rate monitors boasting displays with 360 Hz refresh rates and ultra-low response times are also increasingly becoming seen as essential bits of kit, and give players a significant edge in fast-paced games. And for enhanced clarity and impressive immersive experiences, 4K and even 8K monitors are also in high demand.

Advanced gaming setups

For many gamers, success is as much about the set–up as anything else, with many seeing splurging on the very best equipment as a way to lay the foundations. The right set-up can help to create an environment that is conducive to focus and concentration, and from the finest gaming chairs money can buy to the very highest quality sound systems available, nothing is off the table.

If you’ve ever sat and played a long session of your favourite game, then you’ll be all too familiar with the aches and pains that often come as part and parcel of it, so it’s little wonder ergonomic gaming chairs are now highly sought-after in 2024. Secretlab’s gaming chairs provide unrivalled support for extended play and ensure players can sit comfortably throughout, keeping their spines aligned and eliminating hunching so that they can come out of each session unscathed.

The subtlest sounds during gameplay can leave big clues, which is why a quality sound system is seen as essential. Surround sound systems and high-fidelity headphones (Bose’s are some of the best) ensure that you won’t miss a thing and provide a more immersive experience, with precise sound positioning giving gamers a competitive edge in locating in-game sounds.

Twitch game live streaming logo on a smartphone
Platforms like Twitch and Youtube are becoming popular haunts for gamers as they seek advice and guidance from fellow enthusiasts to help them boost their gameplay and reach new levels in doing so. Image credit: Ink Drop/

Streaming and content creation

Ever heard the sayings ‘two heads are better than one?’ or ‘many hands make light work?’ Gaming might be a competitive space, but collaboration is still key when it comes to achieving the highest possible level of success, and in 2024, we’re seeing forums like Lavi Gaming Forums, as well as platforms like Twitch and Youtube becoming popular haunts for gamers as they seek advice and guidance from fellow enthusiasts to help them boost their gameplay and reach new levels in doing so.

In the same vein, we’re also seeing a growing number of gamers creating content to support others on their gaming journeys, with content creation now an integral part of the gaming ecosystem. By sharing their experiences with a global audience, experienced players are passing on their expertise, and turning it into a viable income stream by monetising their videos, tutorials and live streams.

In order to create engaging content, they’re investing in top-quality streaming equipment, including 4K cameras, professional microphones, and powerful streaming PCs. As an additional way to make money, many elite gamers also collaborate with brands through sponsorships and partnerships, promoting gaming products and participating in tournaments –  which not only provides financial benefits but also enhances their personal brand. 

Gaming has become increasingly social over recent years thanks to live and online elements, and this shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. Content creators like these are building loyal communities of followers that they’re engaging with through live chats, social media interactions, and exclusive content – and on the flipside, this unprecedented access to advice, tips, guidance is helping players to constantly improve their skills and strategies, with he calibre of players in general now at an all-time high.

The bottom line

Gaming has undergone a seriously luxurious makeover, and feels better than ever before. And in 2024, a winning set-up, the latest tech innovations and a supportive community are all considered priceless to serious high-end gamers, who are willing to splurge on whatever it takes to reach the next level – figuratively, as well as literally. If you’re seeking to improve your strategy this year, then embracing these burgeoning trends is a great place to start, and doing so could well see you at the very top of your game before the year is out.