With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, we seem to be bombarded by emails and adverts reminding us to prepare for that special day, but what happens if Valentine’s Day isn’t so special anymore?
As experienced family lawyers, Family Law in Partnership know that Valentine’s Day can be particularly difficult for some people who are in the middle of a divorce or separation, so, they’ve put together some top tips to help you to sail through Valentine’s Day with a smile on your face.
• Do something special, even if it simply involves calling a close friend or going for a socially distanced walk.
• Use Valentine’s Day as an excuse to make a loved one feel special, whether this is a family member or a friend.
• Treat yourself to flowers. Who needs Valentine’s Day as an excuse to receive flowers?
• Join a singles party on Zoom or the like for an opportunity to meet new people, but in the comfort of your own home.
• If possible, ‘unplug’ for the day. Social media can be overbearing on days like Valentine’s Day.
• Use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to reflect on how you want the next year to look in terms of your relationships with your former partner, children, family or friends.
• Don’t be afraid to ask for help or support if you are struggling. Talking to friends and family can help to make sense of the emotional upheaval that you may be feeling.
• Above all, be kind to yourself.
Valentine’s Day isn’t the only day that some of our clients find challenging during that first year of divorce or separation. Your wedding anniversary will come up, as will your partner’s birthday and the day on which you physically separated. The tips above apply equally to these days too if you are finding the separation sometimes tricky.
Divorce and separation can be incredibly difficult. The ending of a relationship is often an emotionally challenging, and at times an overwhelming, experience, but it does get better and you will be reassured to know that a new world of opportunity awaits.
At Family Law in Partnership our aim is to make the experience of family change better so that our clients can successfully move forward with their lives. We are expert family and divorce lawyers but we also make it our job to understand the emotional impact of divorce and separation on you and your family.
For further information on our unique approach to helping couples through family breakdown, visit our website (flip.co.uk) or contact any of our leading divorce and family lawyers by emailing hello@flip.co.uk or calling 020 7420 5000.