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How to unlock your health potential in 2023

With eight months of the year to go, there’s still time to end 2023 on a health high, and here are some simple ways to do it.

By LLM Reporters   |  

If you’re one of the many who began the year with good intentions when it came to health, but have lost your way somewhere between then and now, then you’re not alone. Health is something that many of us have a desire to prioritise, but with today’s fast-paced, busy lifestyles it isn’t always as easy as you might like to follow through.

The truth is though, that where there’s a will, there’s a way – and while it might always seem like there’s a good reason to cancel that gym class or order a takeaway instead of cooking a fresh and nutritious meal from scratch, you can always make time if it’s important to you.

So, if you’re feeling frustrated about the lack of progress you’ve been making towards your health goals over the past few months, then it’s time to hit the reset button and get into the right mindset to finally start hitting some milestones. Let go of all the reasons you think you can’t, and instead, focus on why you can – keeping in mind your biggest motivating factor for making a change to keep you going. With eight months of the year to go, there’s still time to end 2023 on a health high, and here are some simple ways to do it.

Boost your health with scientifically proven supplements

Vitamins supplements in bottle on wooden table.

One of the biggest issues with our modern lifestyles is the fact that we’re always rushing around, which can often mean that our meals are prepared in a hurry or, perhaps more often, bought and eaten on the go. This can make it difficult to ensure your body is getting all of the vital nutrients it needs to stay healthy, which is why adding some high-quality, scientifically proven supplements to your daily regime can be a great way to ensure all of your complex nutritional needs are being met.

PureHealth Research utilises an advisory board of doctors and health professionals to develop cutting-edge, synergistic product formulations designed to help you achieve optimal health, from better skin to increased energy and improved brain function – so if you can feel yourself lacking in any of these areas then consider these products your insurance policy.

Focus on diet

healthy eating

All that being said, you can’t beat the benefits of eating a healthy, balanced diet, and getting as many of your vitamins and minerals as you can from the food you eat is the best approach to all-round good health. If time is an issue when it comes to cooking up balanced meals day-to-day, then it’s time to get acquainted with the increasingly popular concept of meal prep, which involves allocating a few hours on just one day of the week – usually the weekend – to batch cook nutritious meals for the week that you can then portion up into containers and either refrigerate or freeze until you need them.

The type of processed foods that are often eaten on the go not only fail to meet your nutritional needs, but are also packed with additives and preservatives that can prove detrimental to your long-term health goals – so buy fresh, whole-food ingredients and base your meals around them, ensuring you hit both your recommended macronutrients (protein, fats and carbohydrates) and your micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). If you’re not sure how much of each you should be getting, then apps like MyFitnessPal can be helpful and will provide you goals to work towards each day.

Build movement into your day


With many of us working behind computer screens all day, with early starts and late finishes, we’re becoming increasingly sedentary – which is why it’s all the more important to build some movement into your day.

Of course, hitting the gym or heading out for a run several times a week would be the ideal option, with a mix of weight-based strength training and cardiovascular workouts to build and maintain muscle tone and improve fitness and heart health – but if you can’t manage it, then something is better than nothing, and even getting out for a lunchtime walk or cycling to and from the office can make a big difference to your overall health.

Exercising isn’t just great for you physically, but can help to regulate your mood and improve your mental health and wellbeing, too – and spending time outdoors is also an excellent way to destress and instil a sense of calm, even on the busiest of days.

Don’t forget your mental health

mental health

On that note, it’s just as important to take care of your mental and emotional health as it is your physical health. Stress, anxiety and depression are on the rise in our modern world, which means it’s vital that we integrate self care practices such as daily meditation and mindfulness, gentle yoga and time in nature into our routines to keep us feeling grounded.

If you’re forever walking around with your smartphone glued to your hand, then implementing switch-off times that you commit to adhering to can also work wonders when it comes to reducing stress – whether that means leaving your device at home whilst you head out for a weekend stroll, or leaving your phone outside of the bedroom for at least an hour before you sleep and a further hour after you wake.

And of course, good quality sleep is essential – so make sure you’re getting at least the recommended seven to nine hours of shut-eye each night so that you’re rested and ready to take on each new day.