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The summer guide to your winter orangery

Well-designed orangeries add a brilliant layer of luxury to both your garden and your property.

By LLM Reporters   |  

Orangeries are fabulously elegant structures that were historically used to shelter citrus trees during the winter, offering a perfect blend of light, warmth, and space, making them perfect for creating a tranquil oasis. With their brick structures, they provide a place less susceptible to temperature fluctuations in comparison to a conservatory, resulting in a fantastic space to be transformed into a winter wonderland – a luxurious haven of verdant life amidst the frosty grip of winter.

Conservatories are incredibly popular in the UK, with almost two million being installed every year, to no one’s surprise. After all, well-designed orangeries add a brilliant layer of luxury to both your garden and your property. Here’s how you can transform it into a source of joy all-year long.

The symphony of sunlight and heating

Light and temperature are the cornerstone of a flourishing winter orangery – especially in winter, when days are short, maximising natural light capture is paramount. Landscapers should already make sure that the expansive windows face south, but look at complementing with strategically placed skylights, to distribute light evenly throughout the entire room.

young woman caring for plants in orangery
If your lush garden is your happy place, a winter orangery could be the perfect solution for you

Technology has revolutionised our entire world and heating is no exception. Underfloor heating provides the most discreet and luxurious solution, radiating gentle warmth from the ground upwards. Radiant heaters can be placed to target specific areas where you plan to relax or entertain – bonus points if they are self-regulating for optimal energy efficiency. There is even heated furniture for those who truly revel in year-round warmth. And accessories such as heated jackets or heated garden gloves will make your hobby of tending for your plants a joy no matter the season.

High-end outdoor furniture

Of course, the winter orangery should be more than just a haven for plants; it’s an extension of your living space. Functionality and aesthetics go hand-in-hand, so invest in high-end outdoor furniture specifically designed to withstand the elements, even though they might be more sheltered than if they were outside.

Look for weatherproof materials like teak, woven wicker, or marine-grade stainless steel, paired with plush cushions upholstered in opulent yet durable fabrics like Sunbrella or Agora. Deep-seated armchairs with plush throws and ottomans for putting your feet up, coupled with coffee tables crafted from weatherproof resin or tempered glass, provide the perfect platform for afternoon tea or alfresco dining.

Top that with some luxurious accents like throws crafted from the finest cashmere or hand-blown glass terrariums for displaying your most prized botanical treasures, et voilà!

A little extra planning can go a long way in ensuring your plants flourish throughout the winter months

Know your microclimate

Citrus trees, the quintessential residents of an orangery, thrive in very specific microclimates. Maintaining proper ventilation is important to prevent fungal diseases, so incorporating automated systems or strategically placed vents are great to conquer any weather condition. Humidity control systems are equally important, as citrus trees prefer a slightly higher level than typical UK homes.

For particularly harsh winters, don’t hesitate to invest in frost-protection fabrics. These lightweight cloths can be draped over your citrus trees at night, providing an insulating barrier against sudden drops. A little extra planning can go a long way in ensuring your plants flourish throughout the winter months.

The wonderful art of year-round gardening

Who says gardening ends with summer? If your lush garden is your happy place, a winter orangery could be the perfect solution for you. There are fantastic winter-flowering plants that add some vibrant pop of colour: cyclamen, with its delicate blooms or winter pansies, for example, are excellent choices.

Consider container gardening for added versatility, allowing you to experiment with different arrangements for dynamic displays. Raised beds are another excellent option. And, for a touch of culinary delight, why not explore the world of indoor herb gardens? Fresh herbs not only add a lovely fragrance to your orangery, but are readily available for adding a touch of freshness to your winter meals.

If you already have an orangery, now is the perfect time to set it up to be a blooming paradise in the second half of the year. A place to bring colour and life, the verdant beauty of nature – a perfect winter sanctuary.