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Royal Ascot 2022 proves that British traditions are resilient

Royal Ascot was back for 2022 and guests looked happier than ever to be returning to the famed equestrian event.

By LLM Reporters   |  

The merry crowds were back with a vengeance this year for the traditional racing week of Royal Ascot as HRH The Prince of Wales, HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, and other senior members of the Royal family, all dressed up for the occasion, gracefully waved at racing fans in the traditional carriages before entering the royal enclosure.

Some traditions are there to stay, and despite a pandemic and the absence of Her Majesty The Queen who remained at Windsor Castle, horse fanatics and party goers were in a jolly mood with the hot temperatures making the atmosphere extremely festive. At last, Covid-19 restrictions were behind us all and everyone enjoyed every moment of being back with family and friends to attend this very British occasion which is known to be ‘The’ racing week of the year worldwide.

Royal Ascot 2022
Marketing expert Thierry Macquet (left) and and royal biographer Lady Colin Campbell (right)

Long-time member of the Royal Enclosure and owner of London based bespoke marketing and PR agency TM Portfolio, Thierry Macquet, followed his pre pandemic tradition of hosting friends from the world of travel, media and high society on Ladies’ Day, which marks the opening of the racing week. He took a box in the heart of the Royal Enclosure, putting Mauritius on the forefront at this grand occasion of the London summer season with his Mauritian based client Maradiva Villas and Resort, whose CEO, Mr. Sanjiv Ramdanee, was also in attendance.

Guests came from every part of the country and joined the host and his hotel partner from 1pm, where champagne and snacks followed by a sumptuous lunch accompanied with premium wines was served while everyone waited eagerly for the royals to make their flamboyant entrance – since everyone was curious to know which Royal Duke, Princess or Lord would be honouring us of their presence. No one was left unsatisfied since they all gratified the public with their presence during the entire week.

Royal Ascot 2022
TM Portfolio founder Thierry Macquet (middle) followed his pre pandemic tradition of hosting friends from the world of travel, media and high society on Ladies’ Day, which marks the opening of the racing week

Society hostess and royal biographer Lady Colin Campbell arrived in top form from her country pad Castle Goring, spending much time with her pals The Baron and Baroness Northbrook and sharing the latest society gossips. Georgie, as she is called by her close circle, is well known for her top selling books on the royals and is often on TV as a presenter for many royal occasions. The trio are also regulars at Maradiva Villas and Resort and are big fans of Mauritius, and they could not wait to get back to the island by the end of the year after three years in purdah due to Covid restrictions on travel worldwide.

It was also a first for Craig Haslam, the CEO of The Royal Albert Hall who enjoyed his baptism of fire very much as he called it himself at Royal Ascot, and where Lady Alexandra Mathew, daughter of HH Princess Olga Romanoff (The Queen’s cousin, and famous TV performer who was in two highly rated ITV programmes last year) gave him the best betting tips of the day. HRH Princess Katarina of Yugoslavia was as jovial as always in her yellow outfit and hat and joined the group after the royal procession since she always respects protocol and first paid a visit to the Box of Her Majesty to greet her royal cousins who she had not seen since the memorial service of her uncle, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.

Royal Ascot 2022
Royal Ascot was back for 2022 and guests looked happier than ever to be returning to the famed equestrian event

It was on a very happy note that all the guests left the box after the last race, some having won, and others lost with their bets but all very contented and heading back to London for more bubbles. On that same evening, Macquet hosted all the attendees to a sumptuous dinner at private club and restaurant Goya in Mayfair to thank them for their loyalty as clients and ambassadors of his boutique portfolio of hotels, already asking them to book the date for next year! But in any way, most of them would be soon sipping a gin and tonic next to a pool under the sun in Mauritius by December of this year and will have ample time to plan their Royal Ascot escapade for 2023 in an ideal setting.