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Men’s tailoring: What to wear in 2016

By LLM Reporters   |  

We talk to Adrian Barrows, from The Bespoke Tailor, about what’s going to be hot in men’s tailoring in 2016.

Yes, I know you’ve heard it all before and if your social media feed is anything like mine, it’s currently full of the latest get fit fads and new year diets etc. Every year it’s the same new year, new you bunkum and it all gets a bit tiresome so here’s something that you don’t need to run a marathon for or live on an uninspiring diet of rabbit food and that is sharpening up your wardrobe.

Of course it helps if you want to get into shape and I wouldn’t discourage that but the benefit of working with a tailor is that that they know how to make you look good whatever your shape or size.

Elegant tailoring isn’t just for the young, fit and body perfect male. It’s for every man who cares about style, creating the right impression and making a positive impact. So, whether you’ve got a big celebration coming up this year, going to a wedding, looking to get a promotion or simply want to update and improve your wardrobe, then start as you mean to go on and make sure that you look the part.

navy blue suit
A navy blue suit is a must for 2016

So what’s going to be big in men’s tailoring in 2016?

Well, there is likely to be a bit more relaxation in the styling of suits, giving a bit more room for the wearer. 2015 was a big year for tight, figure-hugging suits – think Daniel Craig. This year will see slightly looser fits where the silhouette still remains taut but the overall look will be less restrictive. Double-breasted suits are making a welcome return in popularity and there will be more focus on texture and less on pattern when it comes to fabrics.

As far as colours are concerned, when it comes to suits we are talking about navy blue and grey being a must for any man’s wardrobe. And a degree of flamboyancy will be making more of an appearance when it comes to evening wear. Fabrics such as velvet, satin and brocade will be making their presence felt, adding a bit of theatre to the occasion.

So there you have it. Treat yourself to some tailored garments and sharpen up your wardrobe for 2016. They will create the right impression, help you feel good about yourself and put you in the right mood to face the year.

Have a sartorially inclined 2016 and always dress to impress!