Nothing quite compares with the feeling of sheer panic after catching sight of that first under eye wrinkle, or the moment you realise your skin just isn’t as plump as it used to be. Aging is a process every person on the planet must endure, no matter how rich they are or how many good genes they managed to acquire off their parents, we are all heading down the same path.
The organic skincare experts at Siain have given their top tips for natural Anti-Ageing.
Sesame Oil
Sesame oil is bursting with ingredients such as fatty acids and linoleic acid, making it an effective moisturiser that leaves your skin silky and smooth. It’s also rich in Vitamin D, E and B complex, which has been known to reduce scarring and rashes on the skin.
Give up sugar
Giving up sugar may seem like an impossible task when it seems to be in everything we consume, yet having a smaller intake has been known to reduce our chances of getting wrinkles, this is because eating a lot of processed sugar can weaken the collagen levels in your skin, and we need collagen if we want to keep our skin baby soft and supple.
It’s all in the hands
Our hands are probably the one part of our body we use most often, and yet we take the least care of. It isn’t rocket science, a simple rich, nourishing moisturiser applied of an evening will be just enough to give your hands the moisture they deserve after a long day of hard graft.
Ginger Tea
Drinking ginger tea as a way of preventing wrinkles is an age-old hack that many people live by. Originating from India, It is renowned for preventing collagen breakdown in the skin, you can also add a touch of honey to reduce inflammation.
Use a Sunscreen
Applying a high factor SPF sunscreen to your skin daily is the simplest way to prevent aging, yet so many people completely bypass this believing that sunscreen is only necessary on holiday. Sun damage is the quickest route to looking old before your time, and the only real way to prevent this is ensuring you use at least a factor 30 every day, even if it’s cloudy.
Sleep yourself beautiful
Trying to catch the recommended amount of eight hours of sleep a night can be tough, especially when you work long hours, have a busy social life, or just can’t quite get your head down of a night, but the professionals are correct when they say this is one of the main ways to reduce ageing and give us a brighter complexion.
Drink your h2o
Pretty obvious, but drinking eight glasses of water a day is the best way to keep your skin glowing and healthy, however managing to drinks this much this can prove difficult when you lead such a busy life. Try keeping a reusable water bottle by your desk so you remember to top up each day.