It’s that time of the year again when the leaves start falling from the trees, and handbags/handbag accessories must also change with the seasons. Whether purchasing your handbag online from the likes of Radley, or from the high street, there are plenty of options available to you, so be sure to shop around.
Here are some ideas to help you get started and choose the very best styles for your individual taste.
Animal Print Style
Handbags which are adorned with prints like leopard and any other spotted/striped pattern are all the range, having swarmed the catwalks of late. There are many different design options for you to choose from, including Victoria Beckham’s leopard style handbag.
If you’re looking to keep up with fashion trends, then this is definitely a good place to start for this season. Handbags in this style should also go very well with similar style clothing, so be sure to think about which would best match with your wardrobe.
Box Bags
Another trend which has recently taken the handbag world by storm is box-style handbags. These tidy little creations are in a league of their own, looking incredibly unique and stylish. They are not just aesthetically pleasing, though.
This type of handbag is also very sturdy, and many have neat handles to allow them to be easily carried. There are also plenty of innovative designs, ranging from plain tan to luxurious croc-stamped black, so be sure to check these out if you haven’t done so already.
Neck Style Handbags
These might as well be called ‘neckbags’ given that they are unlikely to go anywhere near your hands. Neck style handbags are instead hung around the neck, usually sitting squarely in the centre of your body. This removes the onerous need to carry your bag in your hands, but, more importantly, it looks incredibly trendy.
These bags are, of course, a fair bit smaller than your average handbag, so you might want to think about decluttering if you are interested in these. They will still carry the bare essentials, though (plus a few extras), so they are well worth a browse.
Chain Straps
When thinking about accessories, you may want to look at some of the latest trends in handbag shoulder straps. Recently, chain-links have been appearing frequently, with a range of beautiful designs as well as some more whacky ideas (Demna Gvasalia has created a bike-lock style chain).
Not only do the chains add a nice metallic pizzazz to any handbag, but they are also very strong, and should go the distance when it comes to durability. So, for those that don’t mind a bit of rattling as they walk, these are the ideal choice.
This stunning, varied array of handbags should give you plenty to be excited about, and see you through the autumn/winter seasons. Be sure to check out your local handbag retailer or online store to see if they stock your ideal handbag.