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The elegance of cigars: uncovering the history, popularity and pairings of this pastime

Here’s everything you need to know about cigars.

By LLM Reporters   |  

Little handcrafted masterpieces that have captivated individuals for centuries, cigars have become a symbol of elegance and refinement. From their intriguing history to their irresistible allure, cigars have stood the test of time and continue to garner immense popularity amongst aficionados worldwide.

With this in mind, we delve into the fascinating world of cigars, uncovering their rich heritage, exploring why they hold such widespread appeal, discovering exquisite options for cigar enthusiasts in your life, unveiling some jaw-droppingly expensive choices that will leave you astounded, and finally delving into the artistry behind pairing cigars with both rum and whiskey.

The history of cigars

Today’s cigar market boasts an impressive array of options, from mild to full-bodied blends crafted. Image credit: ersler/

In the early 16th century, explorers first set foot on the shores of the New World. It was during this era that Christopher Columbus, credited with bringing tobacco plants to Europe, encountered indigenous people smoking rolled tobacco leaves. Little did he know that this humble encounter would lay the foundation for a centuries-long love affair with cigars.

As European colonisation spread across the Americas, so too did the popularity of smoking cigars. The art of rolling and enjoying these tightly packed bundles of fermented tobacco leaves quickly became ingrained in various cultures and social circles.

Cigars reached their pinnacle of prestige in the 19th and early 20th centuries. They were seen as a symbol of wealth, power, and sophistication among both nobility and common folk alike. From royal courts to smoky speakeasies, cigars became synonymous with celebration, relaxation, and indulgence.

Today’s cigar market boasts an impressive array of options, from mild to full-bodied blends crafted from carefully selected tobaccos grown in countries like Cuba, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Honduras. With variations in size such as robusto or Churchill shapes complementing different flavours profiles offered by different brands. In addition to this, luxury cigar accessories like desktop humidors and elegant cases have become more prevalent as a way to complement an aficionado’s collection. 

Why cigars are so popular

branded cigars
Cigars have long been a symbol of sophistication and indulgence, attracting a dedicated following of enthusiasts around the world. Image credit: ersler/

Cigars have long been a symbol of sophistication and indulgence, attracting a dedicated following of enthusiasts around the world. But what is it that makes cigars so popular?

One reason is the sheer complexity and artistry involved in crafting each cigar. From carefully selecting the tobacco leaves to skilfully rolling and aging them, every step in the process requires precision and expertise. This attention to detail results in a product that is not only visually appealing but also provides a unique sensory experience.

Another factor contributing to their popularity is the ritualistic aspect associated with smoking cigars. It’s not just about lighting up and puffing away; it’s about taking your time, savouring each draw, and enjoying moments of relaxation or camaraderie with fellow aficionados. The act of smoking a cigar becomes an occasion in itself.

Additionally, cigars have become synonymous with celebration and special occasions. Whether it’s commemorating a milestone or simply unwinding after a long day, cigars are often seen as an indulgent treat reserved for moments worth savouring.

What to buy for the cigar lover in your life

cigars and cigar cutter
There are several companies that offer curated monthly shipments of cigars Image credit: FORGEM s.r.o./

If you’re looking for the perfect gift for the cigar lover in your life then look no further! Here are some unique and thoughtful ideas that will surely impress even the most discerning enthusiast.

First up, a high-quality cigar humidor is an essential accessory for any serious cigar lover. Not only does it keep their prized cigars fresh and in optimal condition, but it also adds a touch of sophistication to their collection. Choose one made from premium materials like Spanish cedar or mahogany for an extra luxurious feel.

Another great option is a selection of rare and limited edition cigars. These exclusive smokes are sure to delight any connoisseur’s palate with their unique flavours and impeccable craftsmanship. Be sure to do your research and find out which brands or blends they prefer before making your purchase and pair with a luxurious leather cigar case to complete the gift.

For those who enjoy savouring their cigars with a good drink, consider gifting them with a set of whiskey glasses or rum tumblers. Combine this with a bottle of their favourite spirit or explore new flavour combinations by selecting ones that complement each other well.

If you’re not quite sure what specific items to buy, why not opt for a subscription service? There are several companies that offer curated monthly shipments of cigars, allowing the recipient to constantly discover new blends and expand their repertoire.

The most expensive cigars in the world

The world of cigars is often associated with luxury and indulgence. Image credit: FORGEM s.r.o./

The world of cigars is often associated with luxury and indulgence. And when it comes to luxury, there are some cigars that truly stand out for their price tag. These are not your average everyday smokes – they are the crème de la crème of the cigar world.

One such example is the Gurkha His Majesty’s Reserve, known as one of the most expensive cigars in existence. Priced at a staggering $15,000 per stick, this cigar is made from a rare blend of tobaccos aged for 18 years and infused with Louis XIII Cognac. Each cigar is individually housed in a glass tube adorned with 24-karat gold.

Another notable mention goes to Cohiba Behike, renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and exceptional flavour profile. With prices ranging from $450 to $2,000 per cigar, the Cohiba Behike line features tobacco leaves harvested from only the top two leaves on each plant.

For those seeking an even more exclusive experience, there’s the Arturo Fuente OpusX BBMF Maduro. Limited to just 1,500 boxes annually and priced around $55 per cigar, this masterpiece boasts rich flavours derived from Dominican tobaccos grown exclusively for this blend.

Intrigued by these extravagant offerings? Just remember that while these cigars may come with a hefty price tag, they also provide an unparalleled smoking experience reserved for true connoisseurs who appreciate the finer things in life. 

Cigar and rum pairings

cigars and rum
If you’re enjoying a rich and smoky Maduro cigar, consider pairing it with a dark and woody aged rum. Image credit: vladirina32 /

Cigar and rum pairings have long been a classic combination enjoyed by aficionados around the world. The richness of flavours in both the cigar and rum can complement each other perfectly, creating an unforgettable sensory experience.

When it comes to pairing cigars with rum, there are a few things to consider. First, you’ll want to choose a cigar that matches the intensity of the rum. A full-bodied cigar will stand up well against a robust and aged rum, while a milder cigar may be better suited for a lighter or spiced rum.

Next, focus on flavour profiles. For example, if you’re enjoying a rich and smoky Maduro cigar, consider pairing it with a dark and woody aged rum. The earthy notes in both will harmonize beautifully. On the other hand, if you prefer a more aromatic Connecticut-wrapped cigar, opt for a sweeter and fruitier Caribbean-style rum that will enhance its delicate nuances.

Experimentation is key when exploring different combinations. Take your time to savour each puff of your chosen cigar alongside sips of various rums until you find your perfect match. And don’t forget about temperature – serving your rum slightly chilled can provide an enjoyable contrast to the warmth of smoking.

Cigar and whiskey pairings

cigar and whiskey
A full-bodied, smoky cigar may be best enjoyed alongside a peaty Scotch whisky. Image credit: Natalia Varlei/

If whiskey is more your drink, then you’ll be pleased to know that cigars pair just as well with this tipple and the intricate flavours of both can complement each other in ways that elevate the experience to new heights.

When selecting a whiskey to pair with your cigar, it’s important to consider the characteristics of both. A full-bodied, smoky cigar may be best enjoyed alongside a peaty Scotch whisky, while a milder cigar can harmonise beautifully with a smooth bourbon or single malt.

The key is finding balance – allowing the flavours of both elements to enhance one another rather than overpowering each other. Experimentation is encouraged as you discover your own personal preferences and combinations that tickle your taste buds.

Whether you’re savouring a rich Cuban Cohiba with an aged Dalmore or indulging in an earthy Nicaraguan Padrón along with a velvety Macallan, there’s no denying that pairing cigars and whiskeys is an art form worth exploring.