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The Luxury Lifestyle List: Rosebie Morton, the founder of The Real Flower Company

Read on to discover our latest interviewee’s answers for The Luxury Lifestyle List.

By LLM Reporters   |  

We caught up with with Rosebie Morton, the founder of The Real Flower Company, a luxury florist and one of the largest growers of traditional scented flowers in the UK.

In addition to overseeing a 12-acre farm in Hampshire and a two-acre sweet pea farm in Chichester, Rosebie’s two London stores cater to some of the city’s most affluent neighbourhoods, offering hand-tied bouquets of the most fragrant English flowers.

My car of choice

We’ve had our trusty Volvo for 12 years. Bought second-hand, it now has nearly 200k miles on the clock. It’s been a farm car, a surf and camping mobile, attended music festivals and still brushes up when required. It has served us faithfully in all weathers and on challenging terrains. But if I were choosing a car today? It would have to be a 1968 Mercedes Benz 280SL Convertible. Willa, my wolfhound, would like it too – what girl doesn’t love the feel of the wind in her hair!

My favourite holiday destination

Lamu is my happy place. I first went there in 1996 and it’s barely changed. With an eclectic mix of locals, the whole island is unspoilt, laid back and unpretentious. The weather is beautiful, the sea perfect and Mangoes are always in season. Some people arrive and just never leave.

Rosebie Morton, the founder of The Real Flower Company

My gadget I can’t live without

A weeding tool – I have several of these as I lose them regularly around the garden. It’s one of the most useful tools I own, brilliant for digging holes in stony ground, undefeated by any weed (even the long tap rooted ones) and narrow enough to avoid collateral damage in congested flower beds!

My go to fashion brand

Brora are about slow fashion and have always been mindful of their impact on the environment. They source their materials as locally as possible, designing and creating beautiful, timeless clothes. My favourite Brora jumper is over 20 years old and providing I don’t shrink it, it will do 20 more!

My airline of choice

Because Jambo take me to Lamu. The Jambojet is a De Havilland Dash and even the name sounds like an escapade. They have a real air of old-time adventure, flying from Nairobi to Lamu four times a week and stopping at places along the way like a local bus service.

My favourite watch brand

My Rolex is over 30 years old and was a present from my husband. He chose wisely as it’s tough, hardwearing but looks good and accompanies me wherever I go and whatever the situation. It’s endlessly patient with my choice of livelihood and still works despite the mud and battering.

Rosebie Morton, the founder of The Real Flower Company

My favourite restaurant

Gurkha’s Inn, Winchester. We love this friendly, independent restaurant which serves delicious Nepalese and Indian dishes. We go as a family, with other halves included so we’re quite a party, all liking different things and this is the one place where everyone is happy with the menu– especially the person who is paying.

My guilty pleasure

I have a weakness for macaroons – the pastel toned variety that you might find in an exotic French bakery and equally in your local supermarket. They’re sweet, crisp yet chewy, and the epitome of everything that doesn’t equate to one of your healthy five-a-day which makes them even more delectable.

My favourite way to give back

A smile is so easy to give – it’s such a spontaneous and unobtrusive form of communication. A smile can be bonding, sympathetic and empathetic and even if a smile isn’t returned, we must keep on smiling because some smiles will be returned and passed on and that’s what matters.