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Restore, relax, rejuvenate and transform with The Odissean Experience

Experience all the magic of Crete on a holistic luxury wellness and longevity retreat.

By LLM Reporters   |  

Having passed the halfway point in the year, you could be forgiven if all those well-intentioned resolutions you made back in January have long since fallen by the wayside. If your aspirations for holistic health and harmony are practically non-existent at this point – as the stresses of modern life show little sign of letting up – then it might be time to take a much-needed break and give yourself the chance to reset.

When it comes to getting some much-needed rest and relaxation, there is – no doubt – a lot to be said in favour of a luxury holiday. However, most of the time, the high that comes with them rapidly melts away the moment you step onto home soil and back into ‘normal life’.

The Minoan Odyssey Wellness Retreat is set to take place on the sun-soaked shores of Greece’s island of Crete

If life feels nonstop and often overwhelming, then why not try something a little different this year. Something that promises to leave you transformed and revitalised for the better, and to do so in an indelible, effective, and sustainable fashion. If that sounds enticing, then it’s time to check into The Minoan Odyssey Wellness Retreat – a truly holistic and transformative well-being and longevity experience. Brought to you and hosted by well-being and lifestyle artisans ‘The Odissean Experience’,  The Minoan Odyssey Wellness Retreat takes place this October. This one-of-a-kind adventure (projected to sell out) might just be the answer to your prayers.

A contemporary response to the varied needs of the modern time-challenged individual, The Odissean Experience brings together some of the world’s finest well-being and lifestyle experts to craft transformative experiences that help its clients achieve a happier, healthier, more meaningful, and more wonder filled existence. As a brand, The Odissean Experience’s core philosophy is grounded in the ancient Hellenistic concept/virtue known as ‘εὐδαιμονίᾱ’ (Eudaimonia) – the condition and pursuit of human flourishing. This ageless and time-tested philosophy serves as the DNA of this wellness and longevity retreat.

As one of the top destinations in Europe, the island of Crete is steeped in rich history and culture

The Minoan Odyssey Wellness Retreat is set to take place on the sun-soaked shores of Greece’s island of Crete. Scheduled from 4th October to 11th October, 2024, this promises to be the perfect opportunity to de-stress; nurture your mind, emotional, physical, and spiritual health; and get you back to feeling like the most vitalised and empowered version of yourself – if not better.

As one of the top destinations in Europe, the island of Crete is steeped in rich history and culture. It makes a perfect getaway, where you’ll discover breath-taking landscapes, as well as a new found appreciation and understanding of the great people of Greece (including their heritage as progenitors of much of our modern world). Within Crete’s beautiful natural setting, you’ll learn how to move better; how to boost your physical vitality; how to improve your sleep hygiene; and practical ways to bring mindfulness into everyday living – including your eating, resting, moving, and thinking habits. Habits which you can easily carryover/incorporate into your day-to-day living, and which form the foundations of your renewed existence post retreat.

Crete makes a perfect getaway, where you’ll discover breath-taking landscapes, as well as a new found appreciation and understanding of the great people of Greece

Have you been giving your all to others lately? Do you feel overwhelmed by the incessant demands of your personal and professional life? Are you ready to let go of old habits and limiting beliefs? Are you feeling the urge to finally discover your life’s true purpose? Are you one for whom the time has finally come to attend to your rest, improve your dietary habits, upskill your self-care, and discover inner alignment and harmony?  If you’ve answered ‘Yes’ to one or more of those questions then The Minoan Odyssey week-long integrated health and longevity retreat is the perfect elixir for you.

If you are going on retreat for the first time, then you are encouraged to try and go solo – you’re likely to get much more out of it that way. It is natural to be concerned about being alone, but retreat attendees always end up having so much more in common than they may initially realise. A key organ in the symphony of integrated health is ‘Connection and Community’. Retreating with other like-minded explorers is the perfect sanctuary within which one can share with – and feel seen and accepted by – one’s self and others.  

crete swimming pool
The retreat embodies the best of modern Cretan luxury, offering guests first-class hospitality in a Mediterranean paradise

The retreat will be hosted in a stunning five-star resort situated where the rolling hills of Crete meets with the splendid blue waters of the Aegean Sea. The property embodies the best of modern Cretan luxury, offering guests first-class hospitality in a Mediterranean paradise. A paradise that features a private sandy beach, gourmet fine dining, lavish accommodation, an indulging state-of-the-art spa, and spectacular sea views. All making it just the perfect hideout… even if you’re just seeking to holiday.

For seven nights and eight days, you’ll be able to luxuriate in opulent suites featuring ensuite plunge pools, serene sea-views, and their own private outdoor sun deck(s). In addition, your private hideaway features a wide variety of high-end amenities as well as exceptional Mediterranean gastronomy on offer. All in all, it paints an idyllic backdrop for a magical week of experiences – a perfect and seamless blend of holidaying, nurturing, and healing.

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For seven nights and eight days, you’ll be able to luxuriate in opulent suites featuring ensuite plunge pools, serene sea-views, and their own private outdoor sun deck(s)

As part of an immersive experience mixing action, ease, togetherness and entertainment, each day is expected to be filled with meditations, dynamic breathwork practices and mindful workouts. There will be several expert guided wellness workshops and exclusive experiences for you to discover Crete. It’s the perfect chance to take a digital detox and switch off from the external world for a while. For many, the results can be profound.

This powerful and thoroughly unforgettable wellness adventure promises to be unlike any other. It will allow guests to experience the magic of timeless well-being practices which can be readily integrated into daily life back home. Thus ensuring that self care and the maintenance of a ‘full cup’ remains a priority long after you’ve checked out of the retreat.

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Throughout the retreat, participants will have the chance to take part in various wellness sessions designed to help you shed layers of emotional weight and create space within yourself for positivity and growth

Throughout the retreat, participants will have the chance to take part in various wellness sessions designed to help you shed layers of emotional weight and create space within yourself for positivity and growth – so if anything has been weighing you down, then now is the time to finally let go.

This retreat is ideal if you wish to step away from the vagaries of daily life in exchange for a refreshing quantum of solace.  Whether you need rest and rejuvenation; or want to change the way you think and feel; or wish to heed the call to heal and reconnect with yourself and others – on The Minoan Odyssey you’ll rediscover your joy, vitality, and strength.  All whilst in the embrace of the highest quality care.

For more information on the programme details and to book this exclusive retreat, visit:

In summary, this retreat is much more than just a holiday, or a fitness boot camp, or even your standard yoga retreat. No. Far greater than all this, The Minoan Odyssey Wellness Retreat offers an effective and time-tested path to sincere transformation, healing, and growth. Inspired by both ancient wisdom and modern pioneering science, the retreat’s novel QUEST Programme has been designed based upon five core pillars: Movement, Mindfulness, Nutrition, Recovery, and Connection. Together, these make for a perfectly balanced mix of informative and inspiring wellness sessions; presentations by experts in their field; and curated leisure activities designed to enhance your well-being. By the time you leave, you’ll have achieved a healthier and more balanced body, mind, and soul, heading off on the path to sustaining and developing those gains once you return home.

As they say – you can’t put a price tag on optimal health, wellness, and longevity. A week of clarity, connection, and community that will change your life for the better is a truly valuable and priceless gift. A cherished gift to yourself, your loved ones, your sphere of influence, and… society at large. For who we are cascades forward… and we must first be the reflection of the world we wish to see and inhabit.

The Minoan Odyssey Wellness Retreat offers an effective and time-tested path to sincere transformation, healing, and growth

So, if you’re ready for a thoroughly transformative and life changing week, then don’t wait – be sure to book your space on The Minoan Odyssey. 

“Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field… I’ll meet you there.” – Rumi


Discover The Minoan Odyssey Wellness Retreat

For more information on the programme details and to book this exclusive retreat, visit:

If you have any questions, contact:

Phone: +44(0)7967 526586

All imagery supplied by The Odissean Experience